Wednesday, August 29, 2007

How we settled on a date

The first question were we asked after being wished "Congratulations" was "When is the wedding?"

So we decided on Novemeber 8, 2008 (hence the name of the blog). After telling people the decided wedding date, some ask us "Is that date significant?" or "Does it mean anything?" Quite simply, no. It means absolutely nothing to us.

The process of picking the date was purely economics and convenience. First, we did not want to have (cannot afford to have) the wedding during the "high wedding season" which most say to be from May to October.

So we were looking at April or November. April got tossed because Brendan has to sell his condo. And with the market these days, it takes awhile to sell a condo. We figured that if the condo sells it will most likely be during the summer months.

Now, we are left with November. The end of the month has Thanksgiving and Christmas shopping so we nixed those weekends. The first weekend of November is the New York City Marathon (which we both have successfully finished) and we didn't want the few out-of-town guests to have to compete for hotel space with all those extra people. So we chose the weekend after the marathon and two weeks before Thanksgiving. And so it was/is - November 8, 2008.

No special reason for the date - it just work with timing and budget.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Smart decision b/c it is Veteran's Day weekend right?